Friday, March 25, 2011


1943: I am sent to Schloss Lautlingen, my home, for rehabilitation.
My Home:

I was frustrated that I am not able to be in a position to state a coup myself. But as of now, September, I am slowly recovering from my horrible wounds and injuries and I am introduced to a man by the name of Henning von Tresckow, a staff officer to the headquarters of the Ersatzheer. My superior, General Friedrich Olbricht, is a commited member of the resistance movement. The Ersatazheer has an oppurtunity to launch a coup, as one if its functions is to have Operation Valkyrie in place. Operation Valkyrie is a contingency measure which will let it assume control of the Reich in the event hat internal disturbances blocked communications to the military high command. I asked von dem Bussche to transmit the written orders personally to Major Khun once he has arrived to Wolfsschanze. Unfortunately, von dem Bussche left the Wolfsschanze for the eastern front, after the meeting with Hitler is cancelled, and his attempt is not successful. Major Khun told me that he has hidden the documents under a watch tower of the OKW, which is not far from Wolfsschanze. These documents evince the idealistic motivation of the resistance group.

JUNE 1994: The Allies have landed in France. Today is D-Day.

The war is lost. I wrote out demands with which the Allies have to comply in order for Germany to agree to an immediate peace: Germany retaining its eastern borders back in 1914, to keep territory such as Austria and Sudetenland within the Reich, to give autonomy to Alsace-Lorraine, expansion of the wartime borders of Germany in the south by annexing Tyrol, to refuse of any occupation of German by the Allies, to refuse to hand over war criminals by demanding the right of nations to deal with its own criminals.

1 comment:

  1. Though I disapprove of Germans in general, I must commend you on your resistance efforts. I myself am a leader to resistance forces which are, of course, French. It is good to know that there are Germans who oppose Hitler as well. Let us all wish and work towards his downfall. Until this happens, Europe and the rest of the world cannot rest in peace.
